Helen and Teacher

Helen and Teacher
The Story of my Life

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Books Still the Majority and a Question for my Readers

Today as I was driving to work in the rainy fog of chilly October morning, I heard on NPR that books are still 80% of the publishing industry with eBooks, Kindles, Nooks, etc., making up the other 20%. True food for thought. As I have always said, I am a sucker for the heft of a book in my hand. I would be one of those affluent 17th c. women who had their portraits done among their libraries and curiosities, true signs of affluence and wealth in their day. If books were wealth, I'd be a billionaire today. Perhaps if I sold mine at $1 each, I'd still be going away with a good nest egg. I have so many memories associated with books and school, and they are almost always good. I still retreat to them in hard times. As one attorney colleague of mine once said, when his mother died during his thirteenth year, it was books that pulled him through. Another friend, a young mother with 4 little kids, once told me she often wished she were in school, just her and her books. What book would you take with you to a deserted island? Could you choose? If all your books, really all of them, could be put on an eReader, would you put them there and get rid of the actual books? What do you read? What do you write? Where do you read? Who is your audience? Are reading and writing linked for you? I would love to know; feel free to answer in comments, or tweet me at hashtag Dr. E's Doll Museum. Happy Halloween!

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