Helen and Teacher

Helen and Teacher
The Story of my Life

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

When Memories Serve Us

Good morning; warmer, sunny weather is coming! For today, think of ten good memories from this time of year, then write them down. If you have photos or souvenirs, create a Facebook page. We are alive, and survived another day. Rejoice and be glad.

My memories for this time of year include:

1. The trip I took to Edmonton to meet my parents for Easter. My dad was on a business trip, my mom and I toured the Mall of the Americas. The three of us had dinners at great places, prowled antique shops, and saw cultural centers for Native American and Czech heritages.

2. Again, with my folks, we took off for New Salem, IL, and toured the Lincoln sites once again. Always a favorite destination for us.

3. Dad and I entered the annual kite flying contest; we won every year. The year my Uncle Jim came, we won everything, including the trophy and sweepstakes. My choral teacher was judging, and I was really proud. We used to make our own Hexagon kites, like dad had when he was a kid.

There are others involving early spring, and me working on container gardens. Many others being on spring break, having a great drive home, hitting the antique stores and spring sales with my mom, my shopping, collecting buddy.

In this time of distress for all of us, I do what my friend Violet did in her 90s after her family confined her unnecessarily to a nursing home. I pick a happy memory, and think about it for the day.

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